Thursday, February 7, 2013

starians handbook: how to live a happy teenager life

#1 go play, no pressure
#2 friends are everything
front stab them
#3 friends above girlfriend are cliche
texting and calling le girlfriend are undeniably tempting
but never cry for a girl, only cry for us
#4 le chivalry, is not dead
#5 backstabbing is fucking unacceptable.....for some cases
#6 break rules, it is meant to be broken
#7 play every evening, study can wait
#8 girls are too complicated, do not waste time to understand them
#9 loyalty towards others
#10 respect people
#11 we all make mistakes, but the dumb one is always unforgivable
#12 don't give a fcuk, theres always us, le mighty mighty starians

end of part 1
starians' handbook
how to live a happy teenager life

be jealous starians
icon handsome budak star mention aku

Sunday, February 3, 2013

hey girls

yayyy le nein gag :D
it makes me wonder
do girls ever realize that sometimes its their fault?
sometimes its not the guys to be blamed?
i'm sick of girls tweeting, talking, chatting bad things about their exes
but do girls ever look back and think? and realize its their fault too?
you're the one who lie
you're the one who bitching around
and girls usually ended up crying 
and crying
more crying
instead thinking whos fault it is
is all what guys want from a girl
im not being sexist or something, 
but most of the times
girls tend to forget
girls dont look back (in a negative way)
and girls blame
and the most annoying thing is, their friends
always backing their ass under the name of friendship, though she know that her friend is at the wrong side

p/s: this post is not general, it is more to girls managing their relationship

look back
move on